Monday 14 January 2013

158 Days to take-off, Iber Cup Elite Group

The anticipation and the excitement continue to grow as we slowly approach the Iber cup and the Madrid Cup, and the details are starting to pour in not just about the tournaments, but also about the great people that we will be working with there. I was notified a couple weeks ago that I had been selected by Daniel Curcio (Tournament organiser) and Joao Capella (Fifa referee) to be part of the initial group preselected to be whittled down into just 12 of the top flight referees of the tournament. The final group will be required to do additional training sessions, will be assessed on more games, will review assignments with Mr. Cappela, and will be required to be the best of the best. Will it be a lot of work? absolutely. is it worth it? definitely.

The Selection Process

Iber Cup Map
(43 people) -7 Canadians
When: 25th January
Theory Test on the Laws of the Game consisting of 35 questions plus a fillin-
the-table exercise
(29 people or 2/3 of those who submit the first test)
When: 15th March
2/A - Apply the Laws of the Game (Practical Session with Videos)
2/B – Personal Statement
2/C – Motivational Questions
(10 people)
When: June 29th or 30th (at Jamor Sports Center, Lisbon)
FIFA Fitness Test (simplified version)

Stay tuned for the test results, and in the mean time, I will have to continue to study the Laws of the Game

We have yet to receive much information about the Madrid Sur Cup, but we continue to learn new details of the Iber Cup. With each detail, the excitement continues to build, and it will truly be a fantastic experience in all aspects.

The beach in front of  the referee school

Where teams attending the Iber Cup come from? 

This post is fairly brief, but I just wanted to post an update as to how the preparations are going, and will post the results of the selection process of the Elite group. 


Kevin Tupper